
  • ウェルネスIT科Department of Information and Communication Technology


    • ・Microsoft OfficeツールやWebデザイン、知的財産権などICTリテラシー
    • ・ビジネスマナーやプレゼンテーションなど社会で求められる素養
    • ・メンタルヘルスやコンディショニングなど自分の心身を健康に保つための方法


    Students will learn the following skills and knowledge, which is meaningful for job hunting.

    • ・ICT literacy such as Microsoft Office, web design, and intellectual property rights
    • ・Work etiquette such as business manners and appearance
    • ・Methods to maintain and balance one's mental and physical health

    ★(Cultural education) diploma program
    ★Job hunting support

  • 日本語科Department of Japanese Language Studies


    We accept international students directly from overseas.
    While learning the 4 language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a well-balanced manner, we promote developments from the fundamentals. We nourish students to gain the ability to pass JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) and to enter and continue their studies in universities, colleges or institutes in Japan.